Why Sense Analytics

We differ from alternatives in the market in a number of ways:

  • The product is tailored to your needs and requests, not the interests of the author;
  • The content is devoid of political agenda or partisan bias;
  • It is reasonably concise, right-to-the-point analysis without lengthy introductions or repetition;
  • The text is clearly written – in either English or Russian (depending on your preference);
  • You receive the content as regularly as you wish.

We are not offering:

  • A descriptive round-up of recent news under the guise of analysis;
  • Conspiracy theories, pretending to elucidate even the random, unintended repercussions of someone’s calculated actions;
  • Pseudo-insider information;
  • Lengthy, unreadable academic-styled papers;
  • Analysis of military and military-technical issues;
  • Consultancy on how to conduct political activity in Belarus, advising on which political actors to support or which objectives to pursue.

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